Wednesday, February 23, 2011

1. Select Film Type:

Short horror film

2. Complete Brief:

To make a horror movie and our target audience is about 16 and over.

3. Consider possible themes make notes in your group on tree diagram

4. Brainstorm possible Ideas considering: We are going to film at my house around the lake/ by the pool and in my bedroom. Scary music and fast, and sound effects we will use is like banging doors, closing windows, blowing in the wind extra. Three girls, and we will have like make up dresses, shoes etc. to go out. Camera Angles our camera angles will be mostly up close to there face to see the fear and also shoulder angle, to show tat someone is watching her.

Crew Structure

Producer: Georgia
A film producer creates the conditions for making movies. The producer initiates, coordinates, supervises and controls matters such as raising funding, hiring key personnel, and arranging for distributors. The producer is involved throughout all phases of the filmmaking process from development to completion of a project.

Director: Georgia
The director is responsible for overseeing the creative aspects of a film, including controlling the content and flow of the film's plot, directing the performances of actors, organizing and selecting the locations in which the film will be shot, and managing technical details such as the positioning of cameras, the use of lighting, and the timing and content of the film's soundtrack.

Costume/Props set designer: Georgia

Sound Designer: Sophie
The sound designer, or "supervising sound editor", is in charge of the post-production sound of a movie. Sometimes this may involve great creative license, and other times it may simply mean working with the director and editor to balance the sound to their liking.

Film editor: Sophie
The film editor is the person who assembles the various shots into a coherent film, with the help of the director.

Camera operator/s: Sophie and Georgia

Storyboard designer: Sophie

Script designer: Georgia

Title of film: Mystery of the night

Georgia and I have decided to do a horror short film . The reason we have decided to shoot the short film at my house is because it is at big, good area to shoot it at. The summary of our short film is 3 friends getting ready for a night out having fun etc. But one of the girls is new to school and the girls find her a bit weird, her little sister died recently and has been haunting her ever since. Through out the night things start to go wrong and only the new girl knows what’s going on. The dead sister picks off the girls one by one.

Making A Video

List the jobs done by the following members of the video production (creative team’

1. Executive producer: Timeline and budget

2. Writer: Writes the script

3. Producer: In charge of the creative team, they get the camera operators and prepare the shooting times. On time and on budget.

4. Director: Directs the cast and crew, basically tells everyone what to do and they have they final say.

5. Production manager: Attracts the production and make sure it’s running smoothly and on time.

6. Storyboard artist: Works in collaboration with the director and producer to draw up sketches.

7. Camera operator: Shoots required scenes and they work with the lighting director.

8. Sound technician: They ensure the dialog and other sounds are properly recorded. They also make sure microphones and levels are correct.

9. Talent: It is the actors (cast). They deliver the content.

10. Editor: They put it all together in the editing, the music, special effects, lighting etc.

11. Define brief: Intention, purpose and target audience.


12. What is the purpose of the pre production stage? Plans of the shooting are put into place.

13. What are some of the tasks done in the pre production stage? Scripting, scene breakdown, storyboard, shot list, casting, locations.

14. Why is the pre-production stage so important to the production process? Most of the time they only have 2 days to shoot so they have to be ready.

15. What are three important things to remember in the pre-production process? These could be related to the stage in general or the work of those performing specialist roles


16. What is the production stage also known as? (Think about its purpose) The shooting of the film.

17. What are some tasks done in the production stage? Lighting, camera operation, and sound.

18. What are three important things to remember in the production process? These could be related to the stage in general or the work of those performing specialist roles. Lighting, close to the actor’s mouth as possible, safety.

19. What does ‘continuity’ mean? Why is it an important consideration of the production stage? Making sure the certain items and objects is in the same place.


20. What is one of the major tasks completed in post-production? Shooting the project, time management, and quality control. Requires cool head to cope with pressure, compromise is essential, health and safety is critical.

21. What is the difference between an off-line edit and an online edit? Offline (rough cut edit) On-line (final cut edit)

22. What are some of the tasks done by an editor? Cutting footage and audio together.

23. What task is done after an edit? What is the purpose of this task? Sound mix, they adjust the sound so it is correctly balanced, working with the director.

Mise En Scene

“Put In Scene”

This is the combination of all the visual elements within the frame

(Frame: The physical boundary that contains what the audience sees)

Discussion of Mise En Scene

Indiana Jone's Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Genre: Action

Fast, action, fast shots, fighting scenes, suspense, set in mysterious places. Also a lot of cuts were used in this movie.

Style Of Acting: Over-acted, Indiana Jones’s acts mysterious and interacts with his props for example his whip and the golden statu

e. He has make up to enhance the face, also boot polish to create the sense of the dirty hectic at.

Props: Whips, guns, adventurous clothing “the hat”, cobweb, light.

Lighting: Dark lighting and a lot of shadows which made it more mysterious and to show the suspense. The temperature of the lighting was very warm, moist and humid and dark in the cave the temperature, turned cold.

Setting: It was set in the outback in a mysterious forest. It reminds me of the “wild west” scene.

Analysing Different Angle Shots

This is a high angle shot. They chose this specific shot because it shows the height of the cat and that it is floating in air and looking down at Alice.

This shot is a low angle shot. They chose this shot to make you feel like the scared frog and to show the Queen has bigger power.

This is a Close-Up shot, they chose this shot because it shows The Mad Hatter's facial expression and you can see all the detail of his face.

Angle Shots

These are the different types of angle shots that are used for filming movies, television shows, music videos and many other things.